Friday 5 July 2013

Week 5

In this week, we are learn to:

  • Describe the key components of a community of practice.
  • Define the major roles and responsibilities in a community of practice
  • Identify enablers and obstacles to knowledge sharing.

Once knowledge has been captured and codified, it needs to be shared and disseminated throughout the organization

And how do we find information? 

"Social network analysis is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organisations, computers or other information/knowledge processing entities." (Valdis Krebs, 2002). Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a method for visualizing our people and connection power, leading us to identify how we can best interact to share knowledge.

When to use:
  • Visualize relationships within and outside of the organization.
  • Facilitate identification of who knows who and who might know what - teams and individuals playing central roles - thought leaders, key knowledge brokers, experts, etc.
  • Identify isolated teams or individuals and knowledge bottlenecks.
  • Strategically work to improve knowledge flows.
  • Accelerate the flow of knowledge and information across functional and organisational boundaries.
  • Improve the effectiveness of formal and informal communication channels.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of informal networks.

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