Friday 26 July 2013

Week 8

In this week lecture class, Ma'am conduct 2 chapters in one lecture its was because we have no class on hari raya time, so we need to catch up the syllable. The topic is lecture 8 "The Learning Organization" and lecture 9 "Knowledge Management Tools".

In this week lecture, we learn about :

(lecture 08)

  • Describe the learning principles that should operate in a knowledge environment 
  • To explain the differences between organisational learning and the learning organisation
  • Outline the requirements of a comprehensive knowledge development strategy
  • Identify strategies to help develop social capital

(lecture 09)

  • To describe different component technologies found in KM
  • To explain different technologies for capturing, organising, storing and sharing new knowledge
  • To contrast the functions of different component technologies
  • To select appropriate KM technologies for particular needs

Learning in a Knowledge Environment
  • Training: learning processes guided by an expert
  • Learning: changes in skills, knowledge and abilities which influence how people think and operate in the future
  • Development: ongoing process of growth and change which occurs as new influences are encountered
  • Competencies: areas of knowledge and skills which contribute to job-related behaviours 
  • Capabilities: the range of skills and competencies which enable the individual to meet the challenges associated with performing complex work roles

In Knowledge worker may own 7 type of organization knowledge: 
  • Know What 
  • Know Who
  • Know How 
  • Know Why 
  • Know Where
  • Know When
  • Know If


There are 3 type of different form of knowledge :
  • Structured - 
    • Financial data 
    • Sales data
    • Customer data 
    • Demographic data 
  • Semi-structured -
    • Cases
    • Polices
    • Procedures
    • Actions plans
  • Unstructured
    • Documents
    • E-mails
    • Presentation
    • Video
Capture Knowledge - cognitive mapping tools

Information retrieval tools

Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination

After learning on lecture 9, we know that content creation and management tools are used to structure and organize knowledge content for each retrieval and maintenance. Besides that, Groupware and other collaboration tools are essential enablers of knowledge flow and knowledge-sharing activities among personnel. Furthermore, data mining and knowledge discovery techniques can be used to “discover” or identify emergent patterns that could not have otherwise been detected.

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