Monday 10 June 2013

Week 1

In the week 1 of Introduction to Knowledge Management class, our lecture Miss Siti Fatimah brief us on this subject. This subject got 2(A1, A2) assignment to do.

A1 assignment is to make one blog for writing down on what we learn on the class every week. By doing this blog may help our lecture to know what we have gain on her teaching and we can give other classmates to view on this blog so that maybe they miss out something on the class can get the information from here.

A2 assignment is to form a group which between 3 ~ 4 members and go to a school to conducting a survey by using the question that our lecture give. We can go survey on what knowledge managements skills that secondary teacher used to teacher the students. 
After the survey is done, we need to give the school headmaster signature and stamp as proof of conducting the survey.

About the lesson we learn in class. Miss Siti Fatimah  teach us on what is knowledge management means. Knowledge is the process of translating information and past experience into a meaningful set of relationships which can be applied by an individual. 

There are 2 type of knowledge :

  • Tacit knowledge 
  • Explicit knowledge 
Miss Siti Fatimah ask us to take a piece of paper and draw a flower by no looking at friends drawing. When we finish draw the flowers, Miss wan us to look around and check for the same type of flower picture friends.

There are many type of different flower show out in the end, some of it have leaves, some of it have petal. We all draw different flower because Miss only give the data(flower) but not the information of the data. So we just draw the flower by using our concept.

Besides that, we also been request to draw the outline of Multimedia University. We draw the outline according the experiences and we were so familiar when we walk around the campus, but when we need to draw it out, it is so hard to figure it out.

Lastly, Miss Siti Fatimah show us a video about working area. This video is about how a undergraduate programming worker can be successful by using his knowledge management and become a professional programmer and successful to help the company to earn the profit. So now we know that knowledge management is very important to help us to get into a better working lifestyle and live happily.

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