Wednesday 26 June 2013

Week 4 (tutorial 3)

In this week, we were discussing the tutorial 3 quesiton. Madam mention a important part of the tutorial, that is :

Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Knowledge Spiral Model involve with four process:

T-T~ Socialization - It is a process that transfer tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge, for example brain storming, mentoring and coaching.

T-E ~ Externalization - A process transfer Tacit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example interview, written video.

E-E~Combination - A process transfer Explicit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example convert from text to graph.

E-T~Internalization - A process transfer Explicit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example decision.

it seems like this 4 process will come out in the final exam, so we have to take note of it.

After discuss all of the tutorial 3, we have a small activities again, madam want us to draw some famous logo without having any reference. Its seems easy, but it take some time to let us draw it out. and the logo we draw is different with the actual logo. This teach us don't easily miss the thing in our daily life, its seems normal, but its unsual. 

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