Sunday 30 June 2013

Week 4

All of the student was surprise when Madam Siti Fatimah went in the lecture. Because got one small cute girl follow in. All of the eye was focus to the kid and start whisper each other about the kid. Then Madam Siti Fatimah explain the kid was her daughter, she follow in class because Madam Siti Fatimah was not realise that her daughter still in the car when reach the kindergarten. ^.^

After that, we start our lecture. In this week, we learn about knowledge capture & codification~ ^.^ 
We get to know that : 
  • Become familiar with the basic terminology and concepts related to knowledge capture and codification.
  • Describe the major techniques used to elicit tacit knowledge from subject matter experts.
  • Define the major roles and responsibilities that come into play during the knowledge capture and codification phase.
  • Outline the general taxonomic approaches used in classifying knowledge that has been captured.
  • Analyze the type of knowledge to be captured and codified, select the best approach to use, and discuss its advantages and shortcomings for a given knowledge elicitation application.

Moreover , we learn about tacit and explicit knowledge again. It help us to get more clearly different between tacit and explicit. In tacit, there are 4 techniques:
  • Paraphrasing
  • Clarifying
  • Summarizing
  • Reflecting
And the advantages of stories :
  • Promote knowledge sharing
  • Inform, and/or prompt a change in behavior
  • Communicate the organizational culture
  • Create a sense of belonging
  • Provides a rich context, causing the story to remain in the conscious memory longer and creating more memory traces
  • Increase organizational learning, communicate common values and rule sets serve as an excellent vehicle for capturing, coding, and transmitting valuable tacit knowledge.
In explicit, there are 4 techniques too:
  • Cognitive Mapping
  • Decision Trees
  • Knowledge Taxonomies
  • Task Analysis
In summary, capturing knowledge is process of adding value to the original content (restructuring, rewriting).Analysing & reworking help clarify what organization know & what it need to know. Critical when an issue of knowledge continuity arises. Should address the specific knowledge to be transferred between individuals as well as strategic concerns at group and organizational levels. The organization needs to be aware of its critical knowledge assets; these are captured and codified in the form of a knowledge map or taxonomy.

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