Wednesday 21 August 2013

Week 11 (tutorial 10)

In this week , As usual, we start our class on 10am.
we discuss our tutorial 10 on the sport and Madam had already upload the answer for us.
Besides that, Madam also show us the hot link on .

Besides that, Madam also remind us to do Online Academic Evaluation. She told us that we can write the comment because lecture will not see get who are the one who write the comment unless you put your name on the end of the comment. 

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Week 10

In this week , we doesn't have any class too, because Madam Fatimah got something to do, so week 11 class is canceled.
And here, we would like to wish Madam Fatimah Selamat Hari Raya ~~
"Qing Bao" Ada tak ?? HAHAHAHA ~
wish Madam Fatimah enjoy her Raya to the MAX !!!

Friday 2 August 2013

Week 9

In this week lecture, we are going to learn about lecture 10: Knowledge Management System.
In this chapter , we can know that :

  • To explain the nature of systems thinking
  • To describe knowledge management systems and key drivers
  • To distinguish between the different types of knowledge management systems
  • To discuss how knowledge management systems contribute to the knowledge process
  • To discuss critical issues for successful knowledge management system development and implementation

Drivers of KM system

  • Deming and Juran – most errors arose from ineffective systems rather than operators
  • PDCA: Plan, Do, Check, Act
  • TQM and continuous improvement
  • BPR led to flatter hierarchies
  • Lean production including just-in-time and eliminating zero-value activities

Knowledge Management System Principls

  • System
    • Defined purpose and boundary
    • Controllable
    • Inter-related components
  • Stakeholders
    • End-user
    • System manager 
    • Content manager 

  • Assist decision making by combining data, analytical tools and models to support structured and unstructured decisions
  • May use statistical models and trend analyses
  • Analyse data to produce graphs, charts and reports
  • May use internal and external data

KMS Development Stages
  1. Justify the need for a system
  2. Identify the system requirements
  3. Clarify the system specifications
  4. Evaluate potential systems
  5. Select the best option / components
  6. Implement the system
  7. Evaluate the system adoption and acceptance

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Week 9 (tutorial 8)

In this week tutorial, Madam start discuss the tutorial 8 question with us. This tutorial is about training and learning. The important of learning in knowledge community.

After that, Madam start to discuss the midterm paper. We see the paper that we get back, we feel SAD and wanna cry, its have many careless mistake make our mark gone. So we decide to do it carefully in the Final Exam.

Friday 26 July 2013

Week 8

In this week lecture class, Ma'am conduct 2 chapters in one lecture its was because we have no class on hari raya time, so we need to catch up the syllable. The topic is lecture 8 "The Learning Organization" and lecture 9 "Knowledge Management Tools".

In this week lecture, we learn about :

(lecture 08)

  • Describe the learning principles that should operate in a knowledge environment 
  • To explain the differences between organisational learning and the learning organisation
  • Outline the requirements of a comprehensive knowledge development strategy
  • Identify strategies to help develop social capital

(lecture 09)

  • To describe different component technologies found in KM
  • To explain different technologies for capturing, organising, storing and sharing new knowledge
  • To contrast the functions of different component technologies
  • To select appropriate KM technologies for particular needs

Learning in a Knowledge Environment
  • Training: learning processes guided by an expert
  • Learning: changes in skills, knowledge and abilities which influence how people think and operate in the future
  • Development: ongoing process of growth and change which occurs as new influences are encountered
  • Competencies: areas of knowledge and skills which contribute to job-related behaviours 
  • Capabilities: the range of skills and competencies which enable the individual to meet the challenges associated with performing complex work roles

In Knowledge worker may own 7 type of organization knowledge: 
  • Know What 
  • Know Who
  • Know How 
  • Know Why 
  • Know Where
  • Know When
  • Know If


There are 3 type of different form of knowledge :
  • Structured - 
    • Financial data 
    • Sales data
    • Customer data 
    • Demographic data 
  • Semi-structured -
    • Cases
    • Polices
    • Procedures
    • Actions plans
  • Unstructured
    • Documents
    • E-mails
    • Presentation
    • Video
Capture Knowledge - cognitive mapping tools

Information retrieval tools

Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination

After learning on lecture 9, we know that content creation and management tools are used to structure and organize knowledge content for each retrieval and maintenance. Besides that, Groupware and other collaboration tools are essential enablers of knowledge flow and knowledge-sharing activities among personnel. Furthermore, data mining and knowledge discovery techniques can be used to “discover” or identify emergent patterns that could not have otherwise been detected.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Week 8 (tutorial 6)

Today is an important day, because our TKM midterm mark is release. We will quite disappointed because the mark is not so good. This tell us that memorize is not a good way to answer the exam question, we must understand the meaning, so that we can solve the question easily.

As usual, madam start her tutorial class and discuss the tutorial 6. After discuss the tutorial, madam give us a "surprise". Madam give us chance to increase our midterm mark by doing another " sup midterm paper " , we felt happy and do it carefully.

Madam have a fast efficiency, the sup midterm paper mark is release on the evening, me and my friend faster went to her room and check for the mark. We felt sad again, because the mark doesn't improve. T_T

This result had make us a day . SOB SOB

Saturday 20 July 2013

Week 7

In this week, our lecture is learn about :

  • Develop better understanding of organizational culture - Key dimensions of different cultures.
  • Identify cultural enablers and obstacles of knowledge sharing.
  • Discuss relationship between organizational change and KM.
  • Identify major phases involved in initiating organizational change to attain KM goals.

Changing Organization Culture

On top of that, Mrs.Siti showed us few video related to organizational culture like working environment in Microsoft, and Google. The most attracting one is Google. Below is the link for Google.

After watching this video, we are extremely excited work as a Google employee, because the welfare is so attracting people, food is free, gym is free, everything is FREE!! wowowow ...

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Week 7 (Midterm)

In this tutorial class, we doesn't discuss the tutorial question but having an important activities : MIDTERM!!! 

Me and my friend are so "ganjiong" on this exam. When madam went in the room and start giving the exam paper, we felt scary and nervous.
This is an open book test, so we read the question and try to find the answer from the note. But unfortunately, it have no much answer can be found. So we have to think ourselves and solve the midterm paper.

After the exam, we felt sad because it is very hard for us. After the exam, madam dismiss the class.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Week 6

In This Week Lecture, we are going to :
  • Understand how user and task modeling approaches can help promote effective knowledge use at the individual, group, and organizational level.
  • Describe how an organizational knowledge management architecture is designed.
  • Define organizational learning and describe the links between individual and organizational learning.
  • Compare and contrast learning and understanding with internalization of knowledge.

Firstly, we went to individual  level of knowledge application based on four dimensions of personality type. Interest, Perception, Judgement, and Environment.

Besides that, in knowledge reuse, there are 3 major roles:

  • Knowledge Producer
    • Person who produced knowledge or object
  • Knowledge Intermediary
    • Prepares knowledge for reuse by indexing, packaging, marketing
  • Knowledge Reuser
    • Retrieves, understands and applies knowlege
                           Repository Development

Facilitating knowledge acquisition and application or reuse:
  • —Create knowledge repository to house the intellectual assets.
  • —Create a corporate yellow pages so that knowledge workers can find out who is knowledgeable in which areas of expertise.
  • —Capture best practices and lessons learned and make them available to all others in the organization via the knowledge base.
  • —Empower a Chief Knowledge Officer to develop and implement a KM strategy for the organization.
  • —Ensure that the organizational culture will help facilitate the key phases required for the KM cycle (to capture, create, share, disseminate, 

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Week 6 (tutorial 5)

In this week tutorial, as usual , we have discuss the tutorial 5.

After we discuss the question, Madam remind us that the midterm is coming soon, tell us to prepare before going to exam. The exam format is all structure and something like case study, so we need to focus on it. 

Before the class is dismiss, Madam prepare a color game to play with us . It looks something like this :

It is hard to play because it will mess up the color and the word together, it was fun and funny to play this game. After that , the class is dismiss.

Friday 5 July 2013

Week 5

In this week, we are learn to:

  • Describe the key components of a community of practice.
  • Define the major roles and responsibilities in a community of practice
  • Identify enablers and obstacles to knowledge sharing.

Once knowledge has been captured and codified, it needs to be shared and disseminated throughout the organization

And how do we find information? 

"Social network analysis is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organisations, computers or other information/knowledge processing entities." (Valdis Krebs, 2002). Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a method for visualizing our people and connection power, leading us to identify how we can best interact to share knowledge.

When to use:
  • Visualize relationships within and outside of the organization.
  • Facilitate identification of who knows who and who might know what - teams and individuals playing central roles - thought leaders, key knowledge brokers, experts, etc.
  • Identify isolated teams or individuals and knowledge bottlenecks.
  • Strategically work to improve knowledge flows.
  • Accelerate the flow of knowledge and information across functional and organisational boundaries.
  • Improve the effectiveness of formal and informal communication channels.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of informal networks.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Week 5 (tutorial 4)

Having a very good morning on the day, me and my friend meet up at the MMU front door and went to class together.

In this week tutorial , as usual, we start to discuss the tutorial question. In the middle of the discussion, Madam ask us to draw our knowledge capture & codification about knowledge management this subject in a cognitive maps form.

Besides that, Madam also ask one student to show that how a person get in to a kancil  and how to come out  from the car. 

Sunday 30 June 2013

Week 4

All of the student was surprise when Madam Siti Fatimah went in the lecture. Because got one small cute girl follow in. All of the eye was focus to the kid and start whisper each other about the kid. Then Madam Siti Fatimah explain the kid was her daughter, she follow in class because Madam Siti Fatimah was not realise that her daughter still in the car when reach the kindergarten. ^.^

After that, we start our lecture. In this week, we learn about knowledge capture & codification~ ^.^ 
We get to know that : 
  • Become familiar with the basic terminology and concepts related to knowledge capture and codification.
  • Describe the major techniques used to elicit tacit knowledge from subject matter experts.
  • Define the major roles and responsibilities that come into play during the knowledge capture and codification phase.
  • Outline the general taxonomic approaches used in classifying knowledge that has been captured.
  • Analyze the type of knowledge to be captured and codified, select the best approach to use, and discuss its advantages and shortcomings for a given knowledge elicitation application.

Moreover , we learn about tacit and explicit knowledge again. It help us to get more clearly different between tacit and explicit. In tacit, there are 4 techniques:
  • Paraphrasing
  • Clarifying
  • Summarizing
  • Reflecting
And the advantages of stories :
  • Promote knowledge sharing
  • Inform, and/or prompt a change in behavior
  • Communicate the organizational culture
  • Create a sense of belonging
  • Provides a rich context, causing the story to remain in the conscious memory longer and creating more memory traces
  • Increase organizational learning, communicate common values and rule sets serve as an excellent vehicle for capturing, coding, and transmitting valuable tacit knowledge.
In explicit, there are 4 techniques too:
  • Cognitive Mapping
  • Decision Trees
  • Knowledge Taxonomies
  • Task Analysis
In summary, capturing knowledge is process of adding value to the original content (restructuring, rewriting).Analysing & reworking help clarify what organization know & what it need to know. Critical when an issue of knowledge continuity arises. Should address the specific knowledge to be transferred between individuals as well as strategic concerns at group and organizational levels. The organization needs to be aware of its critical knowledge assets; these are captured and codified in the form of a knowledge map or taxonomy.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Week 4 (tutorial 3)

In this week, we were discussing the tutorial 3 quesiton. Madam mention a important part of the tutorial, that is :

Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Knowledge Spiral Model involve with four process:

T-T~ Socialization - It is a process that transfer tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge, for example brain storming, mentoring and coaching.

T-E ~ Externalization - A process transfer Tacit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example interview, written video.

E-E~Combination - A process transfer Explicit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example convert from text to graph.

E-T~Internalization - A process transfer Explicit Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge, for example decision.

it seems like this 4 process will come out in the final exam, so we have to take note of it.

After discuss all of the tutorial 3, we have a small activities again, madam want us to draw some famous logo without having any reference. Its seems easy, but it take some time to let us draw it out. and the logo we draw is different with the actual logo. This teach us don't easily miss the thing in our daily life, its seems normal, but its unsual. 

Sunday 23 June 2013

Week 3

 In this chapter we will be able to learn and understand the key tenets of the major Knowledge Management theoretical model in use today, Link the KM frameworks to key KM concepts and the major phases of the KM cycle and explain the complex adaptive system model of KM and how it addresses the subjective and dynamic nature of content to be managed.  There’re 8 KM Models which are von Krogh and Roos (1995), Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), Choo (1998), Wiig (1993), Weick (2001), Boisot (1998), Beer (1984) and Bennet and Benner (2004). The principle of KM Models is 80-20 which is 80% and 20% for tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge respectively.

In Von Krogh and Roos Model (1995) of Organisational Epistemology, which is among the first to clearly distinguish between individual knowledge and social knowledge? It’s requires a connection between:

  • The knowledge and the knowledge owner
  • The knowledge and the knowledge seeker
  • The knowledge owner and the knowledge seeker

In the real world, the most famous KM Model is Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) which is widely used.
This is because in Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) comprised of 4 stages which are Socialisation, Externalisation, Combination and Internalisation based on Figure 3.

In addition of Nonaka and Takeucho (1995) we're have also Choo (1998), Wiig (1993), Boisot (1998) and ICAS.

The Nonaka and Takeuchi model is focusing on knowledge spirals that explain the transformation of knowledge to create knowledge and the knowledge spiral shows how the organizations, articulate, organize  and systematize individual tacit knowledge. In the diagram it separates into 4 part of function which can be Socialization (tacit-to-tacit), Externalization (tacit-to-explicit), Combination (explicit-to-explicit) and Internalization (explicit-to-tacit).

The Choo Sense-Making Model emphasize on how individual must make sense, or develop understanding, of the knowledge that is available in the organization and play an important role in how decisions are made within organizations. 

The WIIG Modelhey are completeness, connectedness, congruency, also perspective and purpose. ‘Completeness’ refers to how much knowledge is useful from a given source. Sources can vary from human minds to knowledge bases (i.e, tactic or explicit knowledge).We first need to ascertain the knowledge out there, the knowledge may be complete if all the information available on the subject is there. ‘Connectedness’ refers to the well understood and the comprehensive relations between the different knowledge objects.

The Boisot I-space Model  was developed by Max Boisot as a conceptual framework relating the degree of structure of knowledge to its diffusibility as that knowledge develops.
This results in four different types of knowledge.

  • Public knowledge, such as textbooks and newspapers, which is codified and diffused.
  • Proprietary knowledge, such as patents and official secrets, which is codified but not diffused. Here barriers to diffusion have to be set up.
  • Personal knowledge, such as biographical knowledge, which is neither codified nor diffused.
  • Common sense – i.e. what ‘everybody knows’, which is not codified but widely diffused.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Week 3 (tutorial 2)

Its Tuesday again~ As usual, we have knowledge management tutorial class on the morning. After madam came in and have a greeting with us and make some joke, madam start her tutorial class.
In this week, Madam discuss the first tutorial question with us and explain what is the Knowledge Management Life Cycle (KMLC) about. 

After discuss the question, Madam says that she had prepared a interesting activity to let us know more about knowledge management in tutorial class. Right after that, she ask us to take out the T-shirt that she had told us to bring during last lecture class and teach us how to fold it in 2 seconds by first, listen to the instructions. Some of the classmate unable to fold the T-shirt and some of the classmate can fold the T-shirt very well. After that , madam decided to have a competition about who the fastest to fold the T-shirt, there are 4 of the classmate have been choose for involve in the competition and one of it win the competition ~ ^.^
The time is pass fast, after the competition, the time is reach and madam dismiss the class ~ 

Monday 17 June 2013

Week 2

In week 2 lecture , we have learn about Knowledge Management Life Cycle. In knowledge management life cycle, it has 4 comparison :
  • Wiig
  • McElory
  • Bukowiz & Williams
  • Zack
And there are 7 major phase :

  • Creation
  • Capture
  • Codification
  • Sharing
  • Accessing
  • Application
  • Reuse
Besides that, Miss Siti Fatimah ask us to draw a life cycle about our-self, we use 5 min to think about our daily mission and draw it. Majority of us have a same "programing" life cycle, when wake up early in the morning, we always skip the most important meal of a day (breakfast) and straight went to the class. And we eat the brunch after the class.

After we end of the class in a day, having our dinner and go back to hostel and start playing PC games and have some rest, chit chat with friend.

Miss Siti Fatimah also ask about one of our classmate about "how you start to learn how to cook instant noodle". Our classmate reply that follow the instruction by given on the cover of the instant noodle. And our classmate also been ask about how to play teng-teng in words. 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Week 2 (tutorial 1)

The tutorial class section start on week 2,it is a 10a.m. class. So me and my friend feel sleepy when reach the class. In the beginning of the tutorial class madam call each of the group present their Blog to every student and link the Blog together for knowledge exchange.

After that, madam discussing the tutorial 1 question with us. From the tutorial question we can classification the different between tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge by using the football match example.After we finish discuss the question of tutorial 1,  madam announced that on Wednesday 26th June 2013, FIST will be conducting field trip to Bank Negara Malaysia in Bank Negara, Kuala Lumpur 2 hours from MMU Melaka to have an investigation about knowledge management with the employee in Bank Negara.

Monday 10 June 2013

Week 1

In the week 1 of Introduction to Knowledge Management class, our lecture Miss Siti Fatimah brief us on this subject. This subject got 2(A1, A2) assignment to do.

A1 assignment is to make one blog for writing down on what we learn on the class every week. By doing this blog may help our lecture to know what we have gain on her teaching and we can give other classmates to view on this blog so that maybe they miss out something on the class can get the information from here.

A2 assignment is to form a group which between 3 ~ 4 members and go to a school to conducting a survey by using the question that our lecture give. We can go survey on what knowledge managements skills that secondary teacher used to teacher the students. 
After the survey is done, we need to give the school headmaster signature and stamp as proof of conducting the survey.

About the lesson we learn in class. Miss Siti Fatimah  teach us on what is knowledge management means. Knowledge is the process of translating information and past experience into a meaningful set of relationships which can be applied by an individual. 

There are 2 type of knowledge :

  • Tacit knowledge 
  • Explicit knowledge 
Miss Siti Fatimah ask us to take a piece of paper and draw a flower by no looking at friends drawing. When we finish draw the flowers, Miss wan us to look around and check for the same type of flower picture friends.

There are many type of different flower show out in the end, some of it have leaves, some of it have petal. We all draw different flower because Miss only give the data(flower) but not the information of the data. So we just draw the flower by using our concept.

Besides that, we also been request to draw the outline of Multimedia University. We draw the outline according the experiences and we were so familiar when we walk around the campus, but when we need to draw it out, it is so hard to figure it out.

Lastly, Miss Siti Fatimah show us a video about working area. This video is about how a undergraduate programming worker can be successful by using his knowledge management and become a professional programmer and successful to help the company to earn the profit. So now we know that knowledge management is very important to help us to get into a better working lifestyle and live happily.